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188-192 Chillingham Road
Newcastle upon Tyne, England, NE6 5LN
United Kingdom


Montra Thai Massage and Spa is a peaceful sanctuary located in Heaton offering the best Thai Massages at a reasonable price.

Thai Herbal Ball Massage

Thai Herbal Ball Massage


Performed for hundreds of years, Herbal Ball Massage are known to provide deep relaxation while relieving stress and fatigue, and improving health. The therapy relies on the use of hot compresses or "poultices" filled with a selection of herbs and spices. Those compresses, generally wet and then steamed, are gently applied to specific points of the body releasing their healing benefits into the pores of the skin. They can be combined with the use of hands to focus the massage on knots.

Hot compresses promote relaxation while soothing aching muscle and stiff joints. Since the motions are very gentle, it can be more appropriate for parts of the body that are too tender or sore for hand massage. it also represents a great alternative to acupressure, since it stimulates the same points of the body. Likewise, it will leave you intensively relaxed and energised. Herbal Ball Massage is known for its healing properties: it improves blood circulation and stimulates the internal organs. While the heat dilates blood vessels, it increases the blood and oxygen circulation in the body and improves the efficiency of the different organs. Herbs used in the compress will also have different and specific benefits: ginger is used to treat digestive disorders and allergies, lemongrass and kaffir lime boost the immune system, jasmine has antispasmodic and anti-depressive effects, turmeric is an anti-bacterial that will heal skin infection or lesion.